Monday, October 31, 2011

Matt's Writing an "Introduction" and He Won't Tell Me What It Is

He does this a lot. Right now, I'm assuming he's filling your head with tales of how pretentious and uppity I am about films, how I like "vagina movies" or whatever. Actually he's probably telling the story of how I've tried to get him to watch "Once" for the whole two years we've been together, or how "L.A. Confidential" was too long. If he tells you about the "If the Devil Knows Your Dead" debacle, let me just make this clear- I did NOT know it was going to be that bad.

So mainly we've spent our time together trading movies- I show him "Casablanca," and he subjects me to "Time Cop". I ask him where the time travel car goes in that movie, and if you're going to follow "Back to the Future" rules you really need to stick to them. He tells me I'm a whore-face. Then we kiss and make up and watch "Archer". It works for us.

So we're Matt and Emma. I may love "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Matt may love "Animal House". But we both love "Demolition Man". And that's worth something.

Introduction to Matt

Welcome. If you're reading this, you are among the millions of men and women who have realized they needed more movie based snark in their lives.

Emma and I are starting this blog with the hopes of detailing the creative differences we often express when watching movies together. Our goal for this blog is to watch a movie or two a week, and give you a brief review from both my and Emma's perspective.

Why read our movie reviews? Because love her though I do, Emma and I have very different movie tastes. She likes foreign films, provocative dramas, and anything with Colin Firth in a sweater. I love blockbuster action movies, frat comedies, and anything with a 90s grunge soundtrack. A lesser man would make an Odd Couple reference, but we're going to be better than that here.

Have you ever wondered why Hollywood thinks you find Katherine Heigl attractive? Does it really piss you off that movies think you'll believe Hugh Grant would have sex with Sarah Jessica Parker? Are you aware that Sylvester Stallone is the law? Was Jane Eyre the worst book you've ever read? Then we're going to get along just fine.